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Jennifer E. Rothman ’91

Jennifer E. Rothman is a Professor of Law and the Joseph Scott Fellow at Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute, and an affiliated fellow at the Yale Information Society Project at Yale Law School. Professor Rothman is nationally recognized for her scholarship in the intellectual property and constitutional law fields, and is the leading expert on the right of publicity. She created Rothman’s Roadmap to the Right of Publicity, www.rightofpublicityroadmap.com, the go-to-website for right-of-publicity questions and news. Her 2018 book, The Right of Publicity: Privacy Reimagined for a Public World, was published by Harvard University Press.

Rothman received her A.B. from Princeton where she received the Asher Hinds Book Prize and the Grace May Tilton Prize. She received her J.D. from UCLA where she graduated first in her class, and won the Jerry Pacht Constitutional Law Award for her scholarship in that field. Rothman served as law clerk to the Honorable Marsha S. Berzon of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Rothman also has an M.F.A. in film production from the University of Southern California.


Alumnae Author Book Fair

Saturday, October 6

Please join us for the Alumnae Author Book Fair to hear from a select group of authors who will share their stories and discuss their work with other alumni. The Fair will be held Saturday, October 6 from 4:15-5:30 p.m. in Chancellor Green.

Featured Authors:


Just the Facts, Ma’am: Journalism and the First Amendment

Saturday, October 6


Jane Farrington *13, Attorney-Adviser, Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State


Vanessa de la Torre ’04, Reporter, Connecticut Public Radio

Kathy Kiely ’77, Lee Hills Chair in Free Press Studies, Missouri School of Journalism

Jennifer E. Rothman ’91, Professor of Law and Joseph Scott Fellow, Loyola Law School

Sandra Sobieraj Westfall ’89, National Political Correspondent and Washington Bureau Chief, PEOPLE Magazine/Time Inc.